green restaurants

Slow Pleasures Oakland Magazine. A charming article about Diane Del Signore

California Heartland on Restaurant Recycling

California Country "Gourmet Garbage becomes creative compost. "

Kimpton Hotels
(SF) Sir Francis Drake, Argonaut, (NY) 70 Park Avenue Hotel, (LA) Hotel Palomar
- muy verde!

Oakland Recycling 2004
A progressive attack by a charming city by the Bay.

The people behind SF's innovative programs.

Jepson Prairie Organics - THE composting place in Vacaville. Four Course Compost and More! Let's take a tour!

Dr. Vino Calculating the carbon footprint of wine: my research findings

Golden Gate Restaurant Assoc Bay Area BioFuel Announces New Strategic Partnership

The Independant (UK) - Article on SF's green 'haute' cuisine.


Recork America - with Recycling Partners and Colletions Locations.

Napa Valley Register - on Amorim, a Portuguese firm, and their cork recycling program in California.

Cork Facts - The Natural Choice.

More Cork Facts (blog) - on

Terracycle - They pay for waste and make profit.
Corks, plastic, etc. Very interesting.

Introduction to AB1358 - Bill to prohibit styrofoam containers and define waste standards (compostable, etc).

Chicago's Restaurant Recycling
called a sham.



Valley Vision

EWG - Environmental Working Group - Very informative Website - unbiased reports on environmental and health

Biodynamic Agriculture - wiki

Rudolf Steiner - wiki

Andre Gorz - wiki

Slow Food USA - join!

Chefs Collaborative - dedicated to promoting sustainable cuisine.

FORA.TV - Slow Food Panel - MUST SEE - Wendall Berry, Vendana Shiva, Eric Schlosser, Carlo Petrini, Michael Pollan and Alice Waters!

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